Statement on Executive Order on Immigration

PIH: "Executive Order Should Be Immediately Reversed"


Contact: Jeff Marvin, Media Relations Manager

BOSTON (Jan. 30, 2017)—Partners In Health (PIH) issued the the following statement this weekend on the President's Executive Order banning immigration to the U.S. from seven predominantly Muslim countries:

"Partners In Health is unequivocally committed to supporting our staff around the world who may be affected by the Executive Order banning immigration to the United States from seven predominantly Muslim countries.

"PIH is an international organization with a multinational staff of diverse talents that provides care for some of the world’s most vulnerable people. Our staff is deeply committed to making connections across countries, faiths, and cultures to work toward the common good of humanity.

"We firmly believe this Executive Order should be immediately reversed, and we will support efforts to accomplish that goal."


Partners In Health is an international medical organization that helps build and sustain public health systems in poor and underserved communities around the world. Launched in Haiti in 1987, Partners In Health today reaches 7 million people around the world and employs 18,000 people, including 15,000 local community health workers. Learn more about our work at

Together we save lives and spread hope in the poorest places on Earth.