Comprehensive Training Curriculum for Household Development Agents in Haiti

This comprehensive curriculum for Household Development Agents (specialized polyvalent community health workers (CHWs)), trained under a World Bank funded pilot, consists of 8 training units: Human Rights, Community Mobilization & Communication, Cholera, Family Planning, Diarrheal Disease, Vaccination, Reproductive Health, and Nutrition. These units contain standard and widely accepted information and protocols that have been adapted for the Haitian context. They are written in Haitian Creole.

Accompagnateur Training Guide

PIH trains specialized community health workers, known as Accompagnateurs, to accompany people with HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis (TB) by providing Directly Observed Therapy (DOT) and support for people taking ARVs or TB medications, education, and psychological and social support. Accompagnateurs serve as a vital link between the people they serve and the health center.

Community Health Worker Cholera Training

Since the 2010 cholera outbreak and subsequent epidemic in Haiti, PIH has trained its community health workers to recognize the signs and symptoms of cholera, treat it with oral rehydration solution, refer cases to the health center immediately, and teach community members how to avoid contracting cholera through proper hand washing, water treatment, and household sanitation.

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