Nyaya Health: looking back, looking forward
Posted on Aug 11, 2010
By Kanupriya Tewari
Nyaya Health aims to develop health care services in Nepal’s impoverished western region of Accham. To meet this goal, it has a two-fold mission. First, develop a health care capacity that allows them to provide free community-based health care in rural Nepal. Secondly, Nyaya works to establish and disseminate a scalable model of health care delivery, specifically tailored for regions throughout the world afflicted by poverty, isolation, war, and neglect. Nyaya is one of PIH’s six supported projects that are endeavoring to implement this philosophy on a global scale by working with local communities and governments to create change.
Watch this video featuring Nyaya Co-founder Jason Andrews, and Director of Operations Ryan Schwarz, to learn more about Nyaya’s founding and development. Also, listen to the advice these two young leaders have for other upcoming activists in the global health field: