Contact tracing workers

Learning and Impact

Through our Learning Collaborative, we convene hundreds of government and community partners to share actionable information and effective strategies that we see in our accompaniment work. We meet implementers where they are to find solutions through ongoing resource-sharing, dialogue, and peer learning, ultimately bringing together public health departments, community-based organizations, health care organizations, and more.

Community health workers working together

Learning series and open webinars

We provide a forum for partners from the community to the national level to share lessons learned and develop best practices for tackling the most pressing public health challenges of our time, in collaboration with other communities across the country.  

Register for upcoming webinars:

Public library of tools and references

We develop recommendations, case studies, training materials, technical briefings, and other tools, informed by our technical advising work and steeped in current scientific understanding, to amplify lessons learned and share practical strategies for engaging and serving communities.

View our open-access resource library:

COVID-19 documents with someone's hand